Monday, August 15, 2022

Dehydrating Onions Today

Greetings & Howdy Do!

We've a blessed reprieve from the hot,humid,stuffy weather, and it is nice to have the windows open and hear the birds & crickets.

Mulling over my day today, I've got 2 bags of onions I'm going to dehydrate, just in case we need them. I may put them in the crock pot first to carmelize them.  

Yesterday our son who recently moved into his own 1st apartment came for dinner. It was his day off and I had a whole chicken in the freezer, so we made a Sunday dinner on Monday. It was a very nice day, and more work than I remembered, but worth it. It was such a good meal. I made (the day before) some sourdough bread (Rosemary) for stuffing. It was pretty good, and I may do that for Thanksgiving. 

I have gathered all the staples for our Thanksgiving dinner, I like to plan out a bit, and with the state of affairs going on, I'm stocking up my pantry and making sure we have what we need. Flour,Sugar,Butter & eggs at the ready. You just never know. Weather related or man made, it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

I'm waiting on a Crochet Pattern (Pamphle/Vintage) to arrive in the mail. I've been without a project.I put the cardigan away you can read about that 

Hydrangea Cardigan

I've frogged the sleeves, and will rework it another time. I've had my fill of it.  


It is my hope you have a lovely day.


  1. I love caramelized onions! You don't say how big the bags were. A large amount of onions doesn't seem to result in a lot of caramelized ones if I think of Onion soup. You slice up a huge pile and it all cooks down ( to a delightful mess).
    Good idea stocking up the pantry with needed items. I'm getting low on flour so once that comes on sale...

  2. I'm going to say probably 3 lbs. My dehydrator all 4 shelves were full, it ended up about 1 qt of dry carmelized onions. Today I am doing regular onions, and potatoes this week. It is a lovely delightful mess for sure,


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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