Friday, July 26, 2024

My prefered neighbors

Welcome kindred souls....

I live very unfortunately smack dab in the middle of a city. It is not my first choice. I live in a city where trees are cut down to make another retail location although the existing ones are vacant. When we moved here 30 years ago there were more trees and grass and some open land. The area is filled with post WWII homes built for veterans, our home was built in 1955. 

The destruction of the forest areas have resulted in flooding in the area, and the deer and the wildlife have no place to go, and little to eat. We here at our home have, well we attempt to have flowers and a vegetable garden, with only one other house across the street who plants flowers. So if you were a deer with two adorable babies where would you hang out?

Yep, in my back yard & front yard.

                            This is Rosebud, I have named them all Rosebud over the years. Isn't she pretty?    


This is one of her babies, she has two. and they visit every day & help themselves to the buffet of our yard and garden. I get such joy watching them.   


We are in drought here, and so they stop and drink out of the bird bath, nibble at the honeysuckle, and various other natural weeds which grow in our yard, and nibble on the tomatoes. 

Our neighbors most of them are fenced up the hilt, fortress like. Pay to have their grass sprayed with chemicals, and never water except to power wash their lawn furniture & driveway, their grass looks like straw, but their plastic lawn chairs are clean as well as their driveway. Odd behavior that. 

So there is little for the critters. I admit that they have really hit me hard this year, along with the lack of rain and excessive heat, we will not be harvesting much. Although I did plant collards for the first time, & have harvested 3 times already. Rosebud leaves those for me, not a fan of collards. She loves my sunflowers, none of which have come to flower.

They are so adorable to watch, my husband says that they have adapted us. I resigned myself to sharing what little the garden has provided, and it is little. The watermelon has been the same size for a month, loads of flowers on the pumpkin, no pumpkins. The squash zero. Tomatoes sometimes and other times not so much. 

Rosebud & her family visit every day....  

I'd have to say that I prefer them best as my neighbors, they are quiet, don't litter, play loud music, are not vulgar and they mind their own business, the moms take care of their young ones and teach them so can survive. I'll take that every time over the human version.

This was last winter there 8 of them, Dasher,Prancer,Donder,Vixen,Comet,Cupid, can't remember the other two..      

Yep, hands down my favorite neighbors....


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Let them eat Peach Cake..

So far it looks good, it worked up fine, and it smells divine. It's on the cooling rack for 10 minutes, then inverted for 10, if it plays nice and comes out of the pan then it will cool completely, otherwise another 10 min. 

This is not my recipe, I will provide a link for the peach cake


Housekeeping Note

You may or may not have noticed..I've changed the name of my blog which I have had since 2008, from CrochetbytheSea to FarmhouseWorthy.

Back in 2008 I was about different things, all of which I still enjoy but no longer intend to do. I always wanted to never happened, it may still but now I am doing other things and it doesn't matter as much anymore. I didn't want to close the blog, it is like family. Content won't change as I will still be doing what I've always done.

10 min up, now I invert the cake for 10 min, this is always tedious isn't it. I'm following the directions here to a T.

One thing I did change in recipe is the peaches, I didn't use fresh, what I had on hand was canned peaches from the Amish, I think that will work out just as well. We'll see.

Not shooting for perfection, hoping for a nice cake which will taste good. The thought here is what counts and it is tradition that I have a good meal & desert homemade when he comes home. 

After the 1st 10 min I gently loosed around the edges of the bundt pan, it came out, fairly nicely with just a little blow out of's all good. When it is cooled I will drizzle the brown sugar glaze and call it done & dusted. 

  with the brown sugar sauce...milk please!

I've just about gone through my stash of flour and sugar, neither of which I want to run out of. I have ordered and received the wheat berries to grind my own grain. I am waiting on the mill itself which was backordered until August. Looking very much forward to this.

If it is worth doing, then it's FarmhouseWorthy

Stay joyful!




This is my personal content. No reproduction of any of my photographs or postings are to be copied, it is against copyright laws.