Friday, June 28, 2024

Chit Chat


Another week comes to an end. I'm preparing for making beeswax and soy candles for the fall. I ordered some soy wax, I have beeswax left from last year. Every year when my husband heads out for a week with the scouts, I make candles. I have less cooking and more time to just leave things set up if I need to.

I had finished up 3 crochet granny heart squares, and yesterday I finished it up, and now it sets as a table runner on my farmhouse table.

I'm thinking of pulling out some thread and a slightly smaller hook and see what I come up with.

Waiting on the wheat grinder b/o until August. Really looking forward to that.

I hope you are all well.....

Until next time....


Anonymous said...

Love your crocheted heart table runner.

Jackie said...

That is a lovely runner and a great way to spend the time when your Hubby is gone.

God bless.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

That's a beautiful table runner. I love the colors.

I am making very basic granny squares for a blanket. I'd like to try heart pattern next.

Anonymous said...

I love the smell of making beeswax candles- your house will smell amazing 💕
Lady Locust

Happy Homebodies!


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