Sunday, January 7, 2024

Intentionally moving about smartly



Today we take down the last of the Christmas decor, the tree. We put it up and put minimal decorations and not all the usual bling, it was nice and I'll miss the soft glow of the lights in the evening. The stairs in the house are becoming a problem for both of us, and the basement is where everything is housed.

50 degrees on Tuesday, sounds like a good thrift store drop off day. I've cleaned out the kitchen cupboard where the dishes & glasses are kept, organize it, and there is a box of things which are going away. My husband is a hoarder, tossing things out or donating is not something he does. I don't like clutter, he is a clutter king. How many travel tumblers does one need? So between today & Tuesday I should have a nice haul to drop off.

I'm trying to gently encourage him to go through things. I tell him that if for some reason we should have to pack up and go, a lighter load would be better, than dragging all that clutter to the next place. Sometimes it is best to throw an idea out there, and let him mull it over, rather than go on and on about it. I continue to organize, simplify, trying to set the pace by example. It's worth a try.   

 It is supposed to 50 degrees on Tuesday, which is fine for me to move about smartly, but not so good for my winter garlic, which I don't want sprouting again like it did last year. If it does, I may instead plant spring garlic.

 I am finished with the crochet vest, and now the trim will be put on. I've thought about making some mittens, which I've never done before, and I want to start on a St. Patricks day garland, all with yarn & thread I already have. We'll see, I'm ready for a change from the vest.  

Today, I've pulled out of the deep freeze some frozen rhubarb & strawberries from last year. Emptying the deep freeze using up what we have & then replacing with fresh is the order of the day.


  1. Our trees are down now as well. I have made an effort that if I sit crafting for an hour or so I get up and move around the house for at least 15 mins. Seems to be working out, I also grab some mouthfuls of water as well.

    God bless.

  2. I had intended to keep the tree up another week but yesterday just seemed like the time was h=now and I got it done. I still have the wintery things up and will leave those for now.
    Will you make rhubarb/strawberry jam with the fruit you took out? That's a big favourite around here. I enjoy it not only on toast but on yogurt and even on cottage cheese.
    Good luck with your ongoing uncluttering!


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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