Friday, May 19, 2023

Have a sit down with me on the glider

bring your cuppa, and we can chat, please help yourself to some amish friendship bread with blueberries and a little bit of lemon verbena for extra flavor.  Both dehydrated from last year

. Wash on the line, I pulled down some curtains, gave them a good wash and put them out into the sunshine & breeze to dry. I have a few more to do, but I did what I could today. I don't like to sit all day, and I don't want to run around with my hair on fire either, there is a balance between the two, and I'm learning how. 

A quick supper, dishes and then I'll sit and maybe move the hook a wee bit. Calling for rain tomorrow, a little dab will be good for the garden, and fill my hungry rain barrel.

I've never crocheted washcloths before, but I saw a really lovely tutorial for a plaid looking one which I rather liked. All cotton. I finished up the actual cloth up last evening, and still need to put the plaid part in. It seems very large and I could almost use it for a placemat or runner. 

It measures 11 x 10.5

What is your thought? too big? My thinking is that when this gets wet it will be rather heavy. I may make another and try a smaller size.  Click on the link below and it will take you to the pattern.

Crochet Plaid Washcloth

Here is what mine looks like so far.


I used Lion Brand 24/7 cotton yarn, in the colorways of Ecru, Mint Green, & Terracotta.

That's all she wrote for today...






  1. That does seem a trifle large for a dishcloth, but some of mine are 10 X10. I do like the plaid though.

    God bless.

  2. Your croched washcloth is very pretty. I can't crochet anything but would love to learn to make dish cloths. Wonder if I could?? I've been doing a little spring cleaning the living windows washed yesterday. Sure is a good feeling to get one big job done. :)

  3. The plaid washcloth is so pretty but I agree that once it's wet it will be a little heavy.
    So...are we sitting on your new glider? GM

  4. I have been crocheting "make up" washcloths with a pattern that is easy and I love. I don't make them that big though. I agree, it will be heavy and take longer to dry out. I do like the color pattern in it.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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