Wednesday, August 24, 2022

A little trip out of Dodge

and into the country. Just what my old soul needs. 

Welcome Aboard! Thank you for stopping over today. 

We have not been to the farmers market all summer,but now we are sadly out of own tomatoes,they were so delicious, and I so far didn't have any green fried ones.

My Autumn pretties are anxious to get out of their boxes. I do so love to decorate for the fall. I'm holding out until September. I can cheat a wee bit here can't I? 

These were some cute little punkins I made last year for the nursing home where my son works. 

I do love pumpkins, I planted some rather late in the garden, and they have flowers, we'll see.

I made some Hungarian Palacsintas for desert, ( Crepes). It's a nice light desert, a hint of sweetness, and something family enjoys. I remember my mom making them, one of my favorite things.  They can filled with jam or jelly. I picked up some small curd cottage cheese, mixed in a little powdered sugar & vanilla, this makes a very lovely filling. 

Busy day for me today, shoppng, hauling, putting away. I used my food saver to wrap the meats and put them in the freeze. Dishes had to be done. Supper & another round of dishes and I can rest and move my hook, looking very much forward to that. 


  1. I remember when you made those cute punkins!!
    I love crepes and we have them often. My Mom called them German pancakes and made large 10" ones of which I once ate 6. I was pregnant and none of my own food tempted me so I went 'home' and Mom fed me.

    I have cheated and taken a few Fallish things out. After all it is almost September, right?

    1. They enjoyed the crochet pumpkins at the NH, the activities director made a bunting with some, and others were handed out as gifts or prizes. It was a win win. My mom would make some big ones to, I have a small crepe pan. No shame in the game, decorate your hearts content, its' Fall, and it goes quickly.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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