Monday, July 11, 2022

Three Sisters Garden Update


The rains came and went, and everything just popped. My corn is way taller than knee high by 4th of July, and it is tassled. I have to look that up and do some research as I've not ever grown corn before. My green beans are getting flowers and are twining around the corn stalks, and I've got at least 2 squash with a bunch of flowers in the 3 sisters garden.  

Tomatoes are in process, peppers have flowered and produced but look like they are the end of their season. I tried to grow from seed, but being sick over the holidays, and not having any real mojo they didn't thrive. I bought some at the local nursery which were already blooming,  and they did produce hot hungarian wax peppers but are small. 

If you look at a seed packet it will tell you what the plant life expentancy is, from planting to producing. I wonder if they start these so early at the greenhouses by the time you bring them home, they are have already passed their peak. OR, I just can't grown peppers. 

Neighbors house, we are close here.

These "were" my strawberries, my "deer friends", stopped and pruned them for me. They got moved to higher ground.

                                                  I'm thoroughly enjoying my little garden this year. 



  1. I really like the idea of growing a Three Sisters garden. All 3 are growing well. Too bad about the peppers though.

  2. Our oldest son lost his strawberries to the deer as well. This time he caught them on his camera.

    God bless.

  3. I grew all of my plants from seed, and yes I have to start them the end of January or February to have the large enough for May planting.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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