Thursday, July 7, 2022

I do Love a Vintage lovely

  Hello Neighbors,

How are all of you? I'm doing ok here, we've cooled off to more seasonal temperatures, after several days of humid  &  high temperatures. All of which were good for my tomatoes. I got windows open and letting in fresh air.

  I was parusing around the web,  looking for a vintage waffle maker. We have a waffle maker, it's the teflon thing, a dime a dozen. I wonder if there will be any remaining in say 80 years. I did find alot of really nice ones, which were of a vintage nature, and I spent over 4 days reviewing and thinking about the ones I had seen, but did not place any orders.The last day I went one page further, and this one caught my eye. It is different, in fact I've never seen anything like it. 

 it is from the 1930's. I got it on Etsy. Look at the details in the handle. I'm going to clean it up today, it is stainless steel. They just don't make anything even close to this today. 

It is a treasure. Well, I've got to run, there are towels to be folded, chicken to be in the food saver bags, .99 a lb for chicken thighs, a very good deal. Various other sundry things as I go about my day, before I rest.  

Enjoy your day.    


  1. Oh I love your vintage waffle maker. It's a beauty.
    I found a vintage treasure too this week. A Gladys Taber book published in 1928.

    1. I love old books also, 1928? a gem, I'm going to see what that book is about.

  2. It's beautiful! I've been doing some antique shopping online too, in search of some things to go in the kitchen cubbies. It is much more fun to walk thru large antique stores, but we still have lots to do in the kitchen bathroom.

  3. Made in USA, it will outlast me I'm sure. Nothing today can touch it.

  4. Oh, it is so pretty! Never seen one like it...or even close. Pretty enough to leave on the counter.

  5. I have it displayed on my farmhouse table, it stands pretty on it's own.

  6. What a beautiful waffle maker. Gorgeous.

    God bless.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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