Monday, June 27, 2022

Are you a seed saver?

Good Day all! We had a good dousing of rain yesterday in the afternoon, so Gerty's Garden as my husband calls it got some good rain water, grateful for that.  I havn't been out yet this morning, it's coming up to 8 am, after I finish my coffee and chatting with  you. I am always amazed by the change in the garden from day to day, nature is awesome.

I think it is of value to save seeds. I save both flower and vegatable seeds from our garden for next year. Sometimes seeds are difficult to find, you have to purchase early. I prefer the Heirloom varieties. Saving seeds from our tomatoes and squash too. Last year my Hollyhock was loaded with seeds at the end of the growing season, I captured as many as I could, sprinkled a few around the yard hoping one would pop again somewhere else. I had way to many seeds, and so I set about 10 seeds in tiny ziplock bags I found at the  $ store, took them out to a local farm where there is a farmstand and they found new homes.  


                      The two sunflowers and the name escapes me at the moment, were from the same batch.


Have a beautiful day!











  1. Yes, I do save seeds but often find I have poor luck when I sow them. For instance....I sowed saved Morning Glory seeds and very few came up. They were sowed in the same spot as last year and now I see that I have volunteers coming literally out of the cracks ( in the brick path). So I'll try 'redirecting' the volunteers to the arbour where they will hopefully climb and bloom abundantly.

  2. I don't usually save seed, but I did save some pie pumpkin seeds last year and hopefully I will do that again this year as well as perhaps some bean seeds and pepper seeds.

    God bless.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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