Sunday, June 26, 2022

In the good ol summertime


Well Hello neighbors.

We are in full blown summertime here with temperatures to match, was 96 degrees a couple of days last week, and a few this week. Today cooler and some much needed rain from the heavens "hopefully' will be falling on my garden, Nothing like rainwater to give everything a nice fresh look. I'd like to get a rain barrel, wanted one for years it would save on the water/sewer bill and would be very helpful to my garden.

So far the garden is doing well, I think I mentioned I planted the 3 sisters, corn,beans, and squash. This is a native American idea, they planted the corn so the beans can climb or trellis, and the squash provides nitrogen to the soil. Wouldn't it be a hoot if we actually got corn? Zinnias are blooming, still waiting on the sunflowers, my "deer friends" like to top them off but they come back it is natural pruning, so that will help with the pollinators. 

Rhubarb---  I bought a crown back in late winter early spring, I planted it and the temperatures didn't exactly help things, so it never took off. I ordered a plant, it came with 1 leave/stalk. I hope  my "deer friends" don't feast on it. I'm going to leave it in the container it came in, and replant it later in the summer, so it can get good roots. I planted asparagus too, one came up. It will be 2 years before we get any to actually eat. It's fun to try new things.

 I have not made the soap ( melt n pour) yet, gathered some Honeysuckle & Lavender to dry up in the dehydrator, that is done now to add to the soap.

Continuing to fortify my sturdy pantry, again not hoarding but buying a few things at a time. 

Hope you are all well. 


  1. Just a hint. If you get a rain barrel it's a good thing to raise it a bit on some sort of a "platform" and put in a tap near the bottom. We pay for water here so rainwater is used for washing vehicles, watering plants etc so we have no less than 7 barrels.
    I didn't know deer ate rhubarb. I thought the leaves were poisonous.
    Keep cool if you can!!

    1. Rhubarb is supposed to be deer resistant, so I'm hoping, seen them eat other things they usually don't. 7 water barrels is alot of water, boy I bet that comes in handy. Thank you for the tip, I'll keep that in mind.

  2. Be careful with putting up rain barrels. Be sure you have something to re-route over flow when the barrel is full, or you can damage your foundation. We had to move a few due to the the overflow issue.

  3. well, after I left an comment at your place I was able to place one here? Thanks for this tip, I appreciate it very much.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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