Monday, January 31, 2022

We should celebrate or something

It is the LAST day of this most miserable month.  We've had some snow which won't be going anywhere soon, it has been in the single digits, and as I said in the last post UNCLE. I don't remember the game we played when we said that, but it means ok I give up had enough. 

Winter didn't usually bother me, I think it is an age thing now, and coming out of the illness just added to the distaste which of it all.  

I did see two Robin red breast on the tree near the feeder last week, I always consider that a good sign that spring is on the way.

February 1st is the first day of Spring on the Celtic Calander-Imbolc,  February 2nd is groundhog day here in the US, 6 more weeks of something, or more of the same. At the end of February I'm starting my seeds for the garden. Looking very much forward to that. 

This lovely grew last year, it looks like it may have reseeded, I hope so. It was so nice to go out in the early morn and see that they have bloomed.

Hope all is well with all of  you....


  1. I'm really glad to see the end of January too. I hope soon we'll have some mild weather. You saw some Robins already!! That must be a sign, right?
    I love your dark pink Morning Glory. Last year mine were predominantly purple with a few light blues. I know I bought more seed and I hope I found a package of mixed colours but I can't remember and they're out in my garden shed.
    Have a good week. GM

  2. I share your Uncle, though I don't remember what game we played that we said that either. Enough with the winter. Good by January, let's hope February is better. Looking forward to planting your seeds is a good way to mark off each day.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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