Friday, January 28, 2022


I'm calling UNCLE!  Remember that,  you old folk like me? With the snow & cold already.

I know it's January, and it's "supposed" to be this way. A little color would be nice....

I've long tired of the white/gray/brown landscape.  As I write this there is a beautiful blue jay, sitting on the limb of the tree near the feeder. Totally impervious to the snow and cold. 

Thank you Mr. Blue Jay!

This time of year brings the colorful birds to my feeder, pops of fluttering color in an otherwise rather by now boring borage of snow and cold. 

I'm thinking of making cinnamon rolls today. I think I can manage, I am trying to push through this low energy level every day. It is improving thankfully.

Calendula in last years garden.


  1. I'm hoping that February will bring more pleasant weather and in your case, more energy.
    The good friend of mine who is also recuperating from a severe case of Covid is also struggling to get back to how she felt "before". I think that is just how it is although no one tells you that.
    I hope you made cinnamon rolls. They're so yummy!

  2. So lovely that you have bluebirds visiting to break the monotony of winter colour.

    I think that all of us are trying to push through the January blahs.

    God bless.

  3. That big yellow flower caught my eye. I can hardly wait for spring and warm weather. It has been so cold and windy here today. I remember folks saying "uncle" but I don't remember why they said it. I'll have to Google that. :)

  4. Are you ready for the storm coming thru next week? We are ready, other than splitting wood. We too have little energy. Hoping we all feel better soon.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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