Wednesday, May 26, 2021

In the garden


I've always wanted to grow Hollyhocks! Every year I purchase the seeds, this year is no different. I even tried to start them inside to no avail.

Last year, or maybe the year before, yes it was the year before I tossed out some seeds and of course zip zero nada. No Hollyhocks.

Toward the end of that year, something popped up in the garden, not where I thought any of the seeds had been scattered, it had large leaves, not like anything put there before....I mused to myself that it maybe could be....a HollyHock. After all I am still waiting for the Virginia Blue Bell to come up every spring, nothing...just nothing. Ever hopeful.

So I got a little happy about this, and then...this happened 

I've named her Rosebud, the rest of her family our Isabelle and Tobey...

aka " My DEER Friends"

Love them to bits, but they took a big old bite out of the Hollyhock. 😒

So this year, the plant came back, it is huge! And it has buds.....I've been spraying it with stinky stuff so Rosebud and the gang move on.... 

Let's give a look see!

                                                        See the buds there in the center? 

                                                  Those leaves are about the size of my hand.

I do like vintage things, and that includes flowers and such...

This opened up just this morning. This was from a cutting over 25 years ago when we moved in our home. The house next to us was almost 100 years old then, and these roses were growing in the yard. The original owner had passed away, and her so n still lived in the house, and he was moving to Florida.The house was empty for a time, and I snipped a few cuttings. I have 3 plants now from that original in all stages of growth. Such a beautiful color. 

Lavender is up and blooming, I went out early and snipped some off to dry. I don't get alot of blooms, but enough for me. I also noticed the pink lavender has a bud, I grew that from seed last year and will be anxious to see what that looks like.

We are to get some rain today, which will be benificial to garden, rather than hosewater.

Enjoy your day.

 Happy Birthday to my loving Dad, he would be 100 today. I love you Dad!💓





Olde Dame Holly said...

You are very right: Hose water will keep plants alive, but rainwater brings them such health and growth. I am so impressed by your ability to grow from seed and also from cuttings. I am glad the stinky stuff is working because Hollyhocks are such a sight to behold! Rosebud and family must leave them alone!!! Go dine elsewhere, sweet Rosebud.

Lady Locust said...

So glad you are getting your hollyhocks. That is one of the first things I planted when we moved to the house we are in. And what a beautiful little dear friend.

Granny Marigold said...

I hope your Hollyhocks grow, bloom, and don't get eaten by your deer friends. Hollyhocks here get rust every year but at least that doesn't affect the flowers. Just the leaves which look pretty awful. Last year I had a new colour ( they self seed and sometimes a new colour appears). There are several babies at the base of that one and I'm hoping they'll be just like the parent plant but who knows.

Faith said...

I'm being diligent with the stinky spray, staying 2 steps ahead of Rosebud and the gang. LOL. I've never seen a real Hollyhock, so I am looking forward to it.

Faith said...

Keeping my fingers crossed! Yes she is a sweetheart, not full grown, but still stops by with her family. Those little deers just tickle me, I want to steal her away and keep her for myself. Love those spots.

Faith said...

The Leaves are beautiful all by themselves your right. I'll have to check the base of this plant. Never seen one in person, so I am looking very much forward to it blooming. I'll be so tickled. Stay away Rosebud!

Happy Homebodies!


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