Saturday, May 22, 2021

Let the Garden season begin!

Note to self! Start tomatoes later next year. They grew like gangbusters, and in the last few days began to yelllow and look unhealthy..They have been planted in the garden stand, fresh dirt and fertilizer. I hope they make it. The squash died from the cold, the mini pumpkins to, all re planted now. Oh and I lost my sweet taters save one. We did buy some slips, they are ready to go outside. Oh well, live and "hopefully" learn right. 

Moving of that hugh pile of mulch is still underway, we have did with it everything we intended to do, and some is left. Miss Elsie our neighbor is going to take some more, and what is left we will put in a can for mulching next year. My husband worked very hard in the yard yesterday, and while the temperature was perfect, the sun was very hot. 

I reseeded the morning glories, butternut squash, and peppers. 

We have a forsythia to plant yet. More work was done in the yard this year, than in a long time. Tiger Lilly's were transplanted too. 

My mother's day gifts...

My husband picked up this adorable little housy for me while in Amish Country, I picked up the windmill at Hobby Lobby, he addedd the windmill and the weatherave chicken ornament,( I need a seperate picture of that) you can't see it here. The weathervane ornament I got from youngest tallest for MD, and  a beautiful Knock Out rose which I hope I don't kill from my oldest handful. 


The mulch pile, what's left. Since I wrote this posting, the tomatoes have gone out, it's been about 1 week, and they are holding their own. Looks like they have grown overnight with all the heat and sunshine we've had. The peppers I'm still waiting on.


Jackie said...

We are now wondering if we should have planted anything before our holiday weekend (this weekend) as the weather went from 75 above to just above freezing. Everything is covered so we are hoping for the best.

Your peppers should sprout very soon.

God bless.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I didn’t plant anything for summer. I have some greens and herbs, and passion fruits are coming up again. I’m not very productive in the garden these days.

Your little house is lovely. 🙂

Granny Marigold said...

Sorry you had to replant and resow so many veggies. I hope those that made it will do well.
That little house is so cute!!

Olde Dame Holly said...

The little window house is looking good in your yard, despite not being a rural area. I hope your plants make it. I am going to have to fertilize again, as some of mine are also looking yellowish.

Happy Homebodies!


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