Howdy Do?
Here it is almost the weekend again 😃 that means we are going to the farmers market, out in the country.....can't wait. Getting out of old citified Dodge, and out where the earth touches the sky, the sweet smell of the wildflowers and hay, and where birds of a different kind have a new song in their step.
I know that we want to purchase some honey, there is a lady there who manages bees, and sells honey. We like the Cinnamon honey. She also has raw honey, and combs. So good, and so good for you. 💛 I wonder if the lady with the herb plants will be there?
In a few weeks will be Scout summer camp, and I'll have the run of the place, and I'll make the beeswax candles. That week frees me up a bit, and takes me out of my usual routine. By the time the week passes I'll want them to come home....won't I ? Well I always do I suppose. It's good to get back into a routine, I can't be a slacker every day hmmmm?
I made this crochet piece some time ago, I use it mainly in the kitchen, and it was made with itty bits, scraps of yarn.
Yesterday we were at the "W", and I found a round tablecloth, I'm always looking for round ones, never having much luck. I didn't want a vinyl one, but one of cloth. I came across the Pioneer Woman section and find this lovely.
I actually have a little lunch tote to carry my water and snacks in when I'm out and about, with the very same patter. Who knew they would match so nicely, it wasn't planned. If I had been looking for something to match....I'd still be looking..sometimes it's best to let go....and wait for the magic.
Yesterday we were at the "W", and I found a round tablecloth, I'm always looking for round ones, never having much luck. I didn't want a vinyl one, but one of cloth. I came across the Pioneer Woman section and find this lovely.
I actually have a little lunch tote to carry my water and snacks in when I'm out and about, with the very same patter. Who knew they would match so nicely, it wasn't planned. If I had been looking for something to match....I'd still be looking..sometimes it's best to let go....and wait for the magic.
I'm working on a summer shawl/scarf. If you've been around for a while here at my place you know I like and follow J's knit and purl jam. And she is currently working on this pattern. I have one skein of this color, I believe it is biscuit by Yarn bee secret soft/Hobby Lobby. I may need 1 more skein, we'll see how this shakes out.
J's knit & purl jam for a tutorial on how to make it.
Remember the Holy Basil? With the exception of one sprig it is dead. I transplanted it to a clay pot, and noticed the root system is very young, the plants were leggy, not much root. I planted what was left of it outside. I kept one little sprig which I thought had a chance, put it in water and it is sprouting a new set of leaves, and the roots are getting longer, so I am hopeful I have saved it. It has grown 2 new leaves, which are growing daily.
Remember the Holy Basil? With the exception of one sprig it is dead. I transplanted it to a clay pot, and noticed the root system is very young, the plants were leggy, not much root. I planted what was left of it outside. I kept one little sprig which I thought had a chance, put it in water and it is sprouting a new set of leaves, and the roots are getting longer, so I am hopeful I have saved it. It has grown 2 new leaves, which are growing daily.
The table cloth is beautiful and a great match for the wonderful crochet mat, a great find.