Sunday, February 2, 2025

What the groundhog says...

The sunrise was stunning this morning, the colors are reflected in the beautiful vintage crystals which hang in the front window.

 According to my crystals, we will have an early spring!

What say you Buckeye Chuck, or Puksatawny Phil?


internet photo


I'm sure if you are like me then you are thinking gardening and planting. I've already received one seed book, and that was before Christmas. I hope to receive my Berlin Seed Catalog from Amish country soon. 

While I don't really need any seeds because I save them, there may be one or two which capture my fancy each year.

Last year we bought 1 collard plant, we harvested many times off that plant and we just finished up the last of the collards which I froze over the summer. Very good and nutritious. Excellent in soups.

Winter Sowed so far:



When the next milk jug empties out, I'll be sowing some tomatoes. 

How about herbs?

For sure basil, which reminds me we have pesto I need to use up. Rosemary I may pass on this year as I have quite a bit. Rosemary is a lovely herb, and I love the fragrance, it does not overwinter for me.

 Do you you have any suggestions on how you overwinter your Rosemary?

Our lavender comes up every year, I think I have sage hmm?

Lemon Verbena I buy every year, it does not overwinter well outside, and hardly inside. But I love the aroma of it. I'd like to find a nice Lemon Verbena bread to make, maybe add some cranberries....hmm that sounds so nice...

Speaking of Lemon Verbena..

A very nice blog, which I followed back in the early days of blogging, I've re added this blog to my list here, I think you will find this a lovely place. She no longer blogs but the information is all about this lovely herb.


Well, there is laundry to do, and of course some moving of the hook. I found a nice pattern for a crochet poncho, I'll see how that goes. One never knows.   

~The joy is in the making~



1 comment:

Jackie said...

I know many people who grow lemon verbena. Might have to give that a try this year.

God bless.

Happy Homebodies!


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