I'm trying to settle in to the New Year
All mixed up on the days, & I've missed the first installment of I'll get back to it.
I hope.letting go of repetition, things which I insist upon trying to re create, re invent and re do..I find myself doing this over and over in a particular area. I jumped in both feet again and had made the decision yet again I was going to crochet items for sale.
It wasn't long after I hopped on the wheel, and worked up a couple of things, that I felt that old tug that I am going in a wrong direction. It isn't something I really want to do, and I don't want to make it a job.
I found that I was stressing about what to make, how much to charge, how many etc, yada yada yada....I've been on that road before. It takes the joy out of the making.
The moment I stopped, I felt the peace return.
While this may be for some, it is not for me. Crochet is my hobby, not my profession. I don't want to crochet upon demand. I crochet because it brings me peace & joy.
I've gathered a few more items for the thrift shop. I went through the few small tubs I had remaining in the hopes of consolidating, but they were pretty pared down. I found a few molds I used for soap making, and a candle mold I have not used for a few years....off they go. It made a nice empty tub. I put the few skeins of the pretty sparkly Christmas yarn I had in there and they fit nicely, about 5 skeins.
I have finished my Crinoline Lady for the wreath, now that the holidays are over I will get that off my to do list, assemble her parts and add embellishments.
I found a lovely pattern on Etsy, I do love the original leaflets from places like Leisure Arts, Annies Attic.This is a leaflet from I think 1989 for a lovely lacy afghan. I've gone down this rabbit hole before too, and sometimes you can't make the pattern work, and you never finish or start it.
I do love the Irish Rose motif in the center, I have some light rose colored yarn, and chose a sage green for the rest of the square. So, we'll see if I can do this. If not I'll return the yarn. I am not a yarn hoarder.
If you are interested in this pattern you can find it as well as other types of needlework
Well that is it for today......we are closing up the holidays, and the tree will be coming down.
I will miss the lights!
coming soon....saurkraut in the crock...I've got some going! Practice Run!
~ The joy is in the making~
Holidays are pretty much done here as well. Trees are down, most sweets are eaten (not all of course, as I go slightly overboard), and I am back to working on UFP's to hopefully finish a few.
God bless.
I used to make and sell for years, but after the last craft show in I think 2023? I told my husband I was done. There was no support for all my hard work, and like you said, I stressed on what to make, the time it took, the cost of yarn. No more of that. Our tree is coming down this weekend too. Love the rose motif.
I understand what you mean about our hobbies turning into jobs. People have often asked me why I do not sell my quilts or bags I've made in the past. Like you, it is my hobby...not a job. The lacy afghan is pretty. I look forward to seeing you make it work.
I can see why you decided not to continue with the plan to crochet things to sell. It seems to have taken the joy right out of it.
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