Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What's doin?


I know it is not "official" fall yet, but are you feeling it too? The crisp cool lovely nights, bright sunny breezy days. 

I do so enjoy the fall, everything about it. The oven cozy meals which warm and provide yummy scents around the house. The candles are lit to provide light and cozy. I have both real candles, and battery operated timer candles, not alot of the faux candles, as we move into shorter days.

My bread making with the whole grain freshly milled flour has been going very well, & I think I've got the hang of it.

Learn more .......


 No handmade going on, I have an order from Herrschners which I am looking forward to, perhaps it will encourage me to make something. 

Apples were picked up at the farm market, they were peeled & cored, flash frozen for future pies.

My sweet little vintage pie vent

Any of  you use a pie vent?

Take care....



  1. I've never used a pie vent but then I don't make pies all that often anyway.
    It may not officially be Fall yet but it sure feels like it ( and I'm loving it).

  2. It's always a happy feeling to have something coming in the mail. With shorter days it is nice to have some indoor crafting to look forward to.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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