Monday, September 16, 2024

Happy Homebody Monday

I do so ever apologize....I've been remiss for posting Happy Homebody Monday.

I am for the most part a happy homebody every day not just Mondays. It isn't a schedule, or a to do list, it is every day. Every day is a new opportunity to complete something, learn something new, declutter, fix, and prepare. I'm just as happy any days of the week. 

Along with the homebody chores, there are those things which I "intend" to do one of these days, these go on the get to eventually list, never know when that will be. Eventually it gets done. Like cleaning a cupboard or a closet. When something falls on your foot for the umpteenth time, clean it!

I'm in the declutter zone recently, on the learning curve of making homemade bread with freshly milled grain. I'll be trying bisquits soon. Maybe we will one day be white flour free here. And of course looking forward to making homemade meals, in the oven.

Stocking up the pantry always in style, with the winter months coming along, snow & ice could bring things to a halt, I want to have what we need to ride that out. It has always served me well, and I have not doubt it will continue.

I'd rather be home then anywhere else, so why not make it lovely, organized and cozy?

Making good progress I think, it is feeling lighter and more open.

~ Faith~

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Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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