Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Simple Woman Day Book Entry #2

 Simple Woman Day Book Entry #2


Looking out my window
Carbon copy of previous days, clear blue sky, no clouds full out sunshine ~in other words a perfect summertime day.

I am thinking
It is nice to take a break from routine, in between my chores, have something cool to drink, and spend time with kindred souls, who visit my blog. ~ in other words a self care moment.

I am thankful
We have some much needed work to be done here at my home, we've not had to many upgrades. We have the original doors from 1955 among other things, which have seen better days, soon I'll have a sturdy door~ in other words safety and security are important.

One of my favorite things
 I truly have a love of working with flour, now grain. Baking bread, and now making noodles are a joy ~in other words creating with my hands that what the Creater first created....... grain.
I am creating
Space in my home by eliminating clutter, organizing~ in other words I am creating peace from a simple clean.
I am wearing
A favorite royal blue tiered skirt, a flowered blouse with bell sleeves~ in other words something comfy and lovely.

I am learning
To work with what I have been given, doing my best, ~ in other words perfection is overrated. 

In my kitchen
  Amish egg noodles are drying on the rack for supper~ in other words I love cooking from scratch and making good wholesome meals with lots of flavor.

In my garden
Keeping any eye on that one beautiful pumpkin~ in other words this pumpkin brings joy 
A moment in my day

Closing thought
Thank you Lord, for giving me another day filled with opportunities for me to show love, bring joy ~ in other words
thank you for me being a Happy Homebody & Farmhouse Worthy. 


Closing Thoughts


The Charm of Home said...

Oh your noodles turned out wonderful! I love being home like you. I have a list a mile long of what to do everyday. There is a lot to create!

Jackie said...

It was hot and humid here today, so staying home and working on things around the house made me very happy.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

What a pleasant post. My pumpkins are turning also just within the last week 😊

Anonymous said...

PS - not annon - Lady Locust.

Granny Marigold said...

I take a lot of breaks in my day. I simply can't work steadily like I used to...nor do I have the need to. Mostly my days go along quietly and mostly peacefully.
With our weather so cool this week I think I may bake again tomorrow💗💗


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