Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Keeping your hands busy


and your mind focused on what is good, being creative, learning a skill it's all FarmhouseWorthy.

Good Day to you!

We had a lovely rain and even some thunder on Monday, everything perked up including me, grateful for the rain for all living creatures.

I've been working ever so slowly on this Penny rug mat, and learning alot about myself, some of which I already knew, for example hand sewing is not my best suit. I found myse lf getting frustrated by the fact that I didn't pick this up & make perfect stitches the very first time. I noticed that the joy of working with the thread creating this mat was overshadowed by the fact this has just got to be perfect. 

Hard lessons, but with each stitch I am increasing the skill, and was reminded that this is folk art in part and doesn't have to have each stitch the same as the previous one, otherwise it would be made by a machine and not by hand.

I wondered when I had acquired the thought that everything must be perfect? Did I feel this way when I was a young girl, I am thinking that is not the case. It had to come from teens or young adult. What influences encouraged perfectness.? 

Nothing is perfect, unless it is made by GOD. But I am, and you are so we are perfect as he made us. I'm learning even at my age, and I tell you that I am learning more and faster than I ever have, that what I make is good enough, won't be another like it every again in the history of world, and it was made by my two hands. 

So I press on with these pennies...

 And so I want to encourage  you, whatever it is that you want to just keep on may be missing out on a wonderful skill set.

Question for you?

What have you put away or given up on because it wasn't perfect?

Would you be willing to stay at it and see it through?

~stay joyfilled with simple things~



Jackie said...

Nothing I produce is perfect and if it is close to being perfect I will make a slight mistake. Always done this, and probably always will. Perfection leaves a great deal to be desired, and since I am not perfect......

God bless.

Granny Marigold said...

I do wonder what it is that makes a perfectionist or the opposite.
I think whatever I make will be less than perfect. I'm convinced before I even start (but I soldier on regardless).


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