Monday, April 1, 2024

Shamrock Doily Mandela Finished

Howdy Folks!

 I hope  you had a lovely Easter. No cooking tomorrow as we will have left overs. Don't you find that sometimes things taste better the next day or so after.? 

Off the Hook!


It didn't take me long to fashion up this lovely doily. I did alter the pattern to fit my needs as I wanted this to be a Mandela. The original pattern had the entire trim all in shamrocks, which looks really pretty as a doily, but did not work for the mandela, so I spread them out. 

New on the hook coming on another posting

 If you are interested in the pattern which is Free, I have made many patterns from this designers, her patterns are well written, and they make lovely finished pieces. She uses both yarn & Crochet thread. I am in thread mode currently, and have another one of her free patterns going on the hook tonight, I'll see how I do with it.

Bella Crochet 

Crinoline Lady I made a few years ago, these are fun to make, and if you are into thread make lovely decorations.


Have a beautiful day, do something you love, be creative, and make something lovely.

~The joy is in the making ~

~ Faith~



1 comment:

Jackie said...

Your Mandela looks lovely. I really like the way you spaced the shamrocks.

God bless.

Happy Homebodies!


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