Monday, August 8, 2022

The Harvest has begun

Our garden has been blooming and producing, and with the abundant sun, heat and plentiful rains, we are beginning to harvest.

I did a bit more than last year, and ran some experiments which are seemingly do well. Last year we grew from seed which I started in January, we had a good harvest of tomatoes, and 1 squash. This year the  seed planting didn't go well, and they all died. So the tomatoes were purchased, the peppers were purchased plants. I planted 6 corn which has produced ears, green beanss, and squash. 

I picked these this morning. I am so tickled. 


 3 ear of corn, some fresh green beans, and a few of teeny tiny potatoes, will make a perfect side dish. 

There are more flowers and more beans coming in. I'll save at least one pod for seeds 

Have a great day!


  1. We are starting to can and freeze. Still waiting on the paste tomatoes, but some are turning red today.

  2. Fresh produce from one's own garden is so special. We've begun picking beans. Three different kinds were sown. I'm not a fan of the flat ones that my DH sowed from seeds he got from another gardener. I find them stringy. The regular bush beans are good as are the pole beans. We have bean soup at least once a week as long as the beans keep producing.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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