Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Summer Wind down

We've had a productive garden this year, I'm overall pleased with our harvest, already making notes for next year, what might be a better lay out planting wise. What to keep in the rotation, what to skip, and what I might add. Fall garlic will be planted in October. Tucking in our garden will be taking place, and the planning will begin for next years garden.

I did plant those Peppermint Stick Zinnias, they have come up, and I anticipate I will get some flowers to get more seeds, same with the Cosmos. I like to have flowering plants near the garden it helps with pollination. Sunflowers are a go for next year as well. I ordered  "Blue" sunflower seeds, I planted only 4 and at least 2 came up, I think there is enough time for them to bloom hopefully, they are about 5" tall, and with the heat & sunshine should come to bloom, fingers crossed. 

The Fall/Autumn is my very favorite season. It seems like it is here and gone so quickly, unlike summer & winter which go on and on. I'm in no hurry for that at all. But the fall, the scents the colors, the harvesting,pumpkins and scarecrows...Love it, as I know many of you do also.



  1. I like the picture of the Black-eyed Susans. Such drought resistant and faithful flowers!
    I've begun my garden notes for next year too. My sunny area is so small that I doubt I'll bother with onions. If I can find Multiplier sets I'll put in some of those for the greens.
    For some reason my zinnias are having trouble keeping upright. I put a support around them but now they're leaning on it and looking rather sad. I'll look for shorter ones next Spring.

  2. You are right about the black eyed- thy are hardy, and faithful, they transplant nicely also. So pretty for this time of year. My Zinnias are about one foot tall, I can tell you that they don't like the extreme heat/humidity, and get a little weepy. Maybe you just have really lovely,heavy flowers, which isn't a bad thing.

  3. Where Oh where is the post about vintage crochet? Just askin'.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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