Monday, August 29, 2022

Harvesting and gathering time


On the old "ToDo" list

I've got a dish of flower head seeds drying, and I'll be getting them prepared for next garden season here in the next few days. I still have Zinnia's blooming, and "fingers crossed" the peppermint stick ones I planted late are growing & I hope to see some of them this year. The blue sunflower is hanging in there, but we'll see. I'll be planting it again next year.

I'll go out this weekend and see if there are any sunflower seeds left, between the birds & the deer they have had a lovely feast. 

I've got some lovely tall  3' + ( meters 0.91) Marigolds with big beautiful flower heads. Marigolds are something I rather fancy, and I like the aroma of them. 

When the seed heads are dry, I'll be adding these to my Etsy shoppe, if you are interested in purchasing some very tall & lovely marigolds. They are still in flower, and I'm harvesting the heads as they dry off.

I've got my vegetable seeds set out to dry, some beans, corn, pepper, and tomatoes.




  1. I've been gathering seeds from that solitary Love-in-a-Mist plant that appeared near my pole beans this year. It's such a delicate and lovely plant. I hope I can get them to grow next year. I thank the bird that dropped the seed in my back yard.

  2. Wow, I have never seen marigolds that tall. I've been seed saving too. I bought Meyer lemon seeds on Etsy and every single seed did not sprout.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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