Thursday, July 21, 2022

Simple Joys

 Good Day to you all!

I started out my day this morning looking out the window at the garden, I find it a joy when I look out and see things growing which I tend to. The colors of the Zinnia's, the tallness of the corn. The Strawberry Blonde Sunflower full of bloom.

I saw a baby bunny, just a wee precious little furball hopping around the backyard, munching on the clover which is abundant in the cool of the early morning. 

The sky was clear and and  light blue as the sun was just coming up, and the moon was in full view in the southwest, in a beautiful color of what I would describe as a pale yellow, very muted, beautiful.

I smiled to myself as I thought 3 beautiful gifts were provided this morning, and I was receptive enough to view them as such.   

You don't have to look far and wide do you?



  1. I think I might have made an error so I am posting this again. If it is a double I give you permission to delete one.

    The simple things are usually the best gifts of all we are given. I really enjoyed to smell of my herbs as I clipped them to dehydrate this morning, and the sun warmed my shoulders nicely as I went for my early morning walk.

    God bless.

  2. Sweet blessings of the morning! You're right, we just have to open our eyes and notice. I think it was Mary Oliver that said "Notice and be amazed"


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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