Friday, July 1, 2022

My tomatoes love this weather

me, not so much. I will not complain because I remember not that long ago, we had weekend after weekend of freezing, blowing, gray,  snow, cold etc..

The weather is good for growing gardens. I did plant some more Cosmos & Peppermint Stick Zinnia's in a pot for the side door, we need a little pop of color. 

Lavender harvested from the garden a few days ago, I have it in a vase. I have plenty of lavender for soap, and I may get another crop, I'm grateful I had 2 cuttings already. It's coming along nicely..

I watered early this morning, even though I watered last night, it wouldn't be enough to carry the potted things through the day, my poor Zinnia are well wilted with this heat 90 degrees. Moving about smartly inside the house, cleaning up, and I may hang the sheets on the clothesline but first I must get them in the washer, oh dear oh dear. I have some sourdough bread rising, it takes a long time, and I am in the first phase, I don't mind good things take time don't they?

Take care out there, and I'll catch up with you later. 


  1. We wait for summer but when it gets so hot it's hard to motivate oneself to do anything other than lounge in front of a fan. Thankfully we had a cooler day today. Did you get your sourdough bread done? I'll bet it was delicious.

  2. Wonderful to hear from you, but you make me tired with all your doing. Making your own soap. I'm in awe. And Lavender, makes me smile.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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