Thursday, February 24, 2022

A little re arranging is in order


I realize I have to many irons in the fire, at least for me. So I'll be closing down, not deleting my crochet blog, and I will post here as I had originally done when I opened up this blog long ago now, I think 2008. I have deactivated my Etsy shoppe for now. They have raised fees, I'm not getting much traffic and no sales. I'll be keeping the Ravelry account open for now, and Instagram.

I need to get back to some basics, it isn't necessary to be everywhere all the time. I have a hard time coming up with content. 

So I hope you are all well, and I hope to get around and visit. I just have not felt like blogging, as I am working on catching up around the house. As I gain back energy, there is much to do which has not been done, a wee tidy up is required. 

We are in for round 3 of some kind of snow event, I don't know if it will be as big as the first, mostly I think freezing rain and what not. We've had some warm days in the 50-60's which melted all the snow, oh darn! So nice to see the grass again.

Take care until next time   


  1. It doesn't take long to fall behind with household chores when you're unwell for a while. I can understand why you're cutting some things down ( or even out).
    We woke up to a white world today. I hope it melts quickly. And hopefully you don't get a new dump of snow after enjoying a couple of days of 50-60 temps. Do take care, GM

  2. I hear you! Wise to consolidate. I too have my Etsy shop on hold. I have mixed feelings. Even with sales, they take so much + cost of shipping I am left with pennies so not really worth it. Glad you hear you are gaining energy.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


This is my personal content. No reproduction of any of my photographs or postings are to be copied, it is against copyright laws.