Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Random short chit chat

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This isn't my picture, it could be sort of. We don't have any snow like this currently, but the deer ever day around the same time the momma and  her two babies now almost full grown, make their trek up and down the street. I enjoy watching them, peaceful creatures. A simple joy.


  1. As soon as I saw the picture I remembered just such a scene in a book I used to read to my grands every Christmas. I think it was called Stranger in the Woods. Maybe not. I have a stack of kids Christmas books and I'll go looking in 5 minutes. I wonder if M will let me read to him now that he's 12. Makes me sad that we're out of little ones around here. Lucky you to have deer coming round to visit.

    1. I was trying to think of the name of the book, thank you. It is a beautiful book. I read it with my youngest, I bought it for him as a gift. He is almost 20 now..miss my little guy. He's 6'4 now...tall and handsome.

  2. I love when the deer drop by.

    God bless.

  3. It's shotgun week, so we have hunters around and they knocked on the door to get permission to search for a deer they shot. They ended up locating and it it was a big one. I've only seen deer here a few time, but they are out there in the woods for sure. Hunters have been back every day this week.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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