Monday, November 15, 2021

We had our 1st snowfall

We had our 1st snowfall on Sunday. Big beautiful gently falling snowflakes, like a postcard. It didn't stick and that's ok with me. We live south of Lake Erie, it isn't frozen of course yet, and so when the cold wind blows and the moisture is pick up off the lake, we get these beautiful really big snowflakes. 



  1. When we used to live in Manitoba I loved the snowfalls with those lovely big flakes.
    Today I'm getting the Christmas stuff out so I can sort through and see what I want to put out this year. We're having torrential rain so no walk yesterday nor today.

  2. My neighbor told me once that when the first snow falls, that everything is still for awhile. I think this is true. I'm glad you had your first snowfall. It feels nice to clean a closet out - good for you that you got that done. : )


  3. Snow already! Amazing. Stay warm and keep on creating!

  4. We had a lovely white covering a few weeks ago. It melted away. Now in my little corner of Saskatchewan we will be getting more today at some point.

    God bless.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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