Friday, September 17, 2021

Things you find in the garden

 This, was on my Fushia plant. Any ideas what this might be?

A seed pod perhaps...oh that would be lovely.

Anybody have any experience with this? a rose hip?


Olde Dame Holly said...

It sure looks like a seed pod to me! I wonder how hard they are to grow from seed. I would think pretty hard but I have never tried. Have a wonderful weekend!

Jackie said...

My Fuchsia develops these when the flowers drop of and dry up. I am not sure if they are seed pots or not as I was told to cut them off to keep the plant flowering.

God bless.

Granny Marigold said...

Very strange. I have no idea what that might be.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I have never grown fushia......but would that be a see pod? Let us know when you find out!

Faith said...

thank you all, I'll look it up to see what it is, and get back to you.


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