Friday, July 16, 2021

Plant for your life may depend on it. For it surely does.


If you've not  been to Bealtaine Cottage, and visited with Colette & her happy little dog Jack, Please do so. It is an experience which will you will not regret. Promise!

So today, I went to the garden nursery for some soil. I found a wee little butterfly bush on sale for $5.00, always liking the underdog, I scooped it up. I had in my cart a larger more healthy version, for 15 dollars more.  I've had luck before from the clearance section. The chives are thriving...

So on Saturday I'm going to plant it. My son bought me a Salvia, a butterfly plant, and I have that in the front yard to attract the pollinators. The butterfly bush will go in the back where the HUGE tree once stood. 

I went out this morning to paruse the garden, check for water and damage overnight. I went out to the sunflower and found this...

Yesterday there were leaves, and today...all gone, so I cut the seed head off, I'm going to let it dry and retrieve the seeds from it. There are more sunflowers on the stalk, and the verry first one which bloomed has more coming on it, the one with the yellow and burgundy. This is what it looked like in the last few days....

So I suppose I've got a quite happy garden..with all the rain and sunshine, and that blasted humidity...everything is thriving...I can't take any credit for it.


Granny Marigold said...

I used to watch Bealtaine Cottage often then I thought she was going to sell her cottage and move elsewhere so I quit going to that site. I guess it didn't sell or she changed her mind because she's obviously still there and making videos.
I hope your $5 Butterfly bush thrives. I never see butterflies at mine but the Hummingbirds love them.

mamasmercantile said...

Enjoyed the video, thankyou for sharing.

Olde Dame Holly Rose said...

My butterfly bush passed away, and it was my fault. I just could not keep up with watering it and there is no more room in the courtyard, so it struggled and struggled and finally expired, poor little plant. But some of the my other "rescues" are hanging in there. I think you are right about the humidity helping the plants. I think unlike people, they enjoy the sauna feeling in the air.


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