Sunday, November 1, 2020

 Good Day to you all!

It's early about 7 am. It's light enough to get up. I've coffee on ready to take on the day. Well, I got the coffee on. LOL. I saw a Robin the front yard this morning. I thought they went elsewhere during the winter months. Chance of snow showers today. Next week 65-70. 

Halloween is over, in our neighborhood not many folks, and what I did see were in larger groups 6+ shh..don't tell the Governor. It was a beautiful clear full moon night, cool and crisp. It's beginning to rain now, and the temp is going to drip and we may see some snow. We had a nice run at fall this year, it was long and beautiful, the trees are not bear yet.

On tap for today?

I may press out the dresden plate, and get the center on. It's off center so I'll need to trim some fabric from the sides. Oh bother.

I've begun the process for cutting hexy's for the EPP adventure. so I may do some of that as well.

We'll see where the day takes me, but first! Cofee. 






  1. I have always loved the dresden plate pattern! How lovely is your tree! We do not live in town, so I am not sure if there were many trick or treaters. This has been such a sad year. Have a good week ahead!

  2. I look forward to seeing your dresden Faith - if you get the centre on. We are very low key with celebrating Halloween here in New Zealand & because we live rurally, we don't get any trick or treaters. I have only had one girl call in a couple of years ago & have lived here for 20 years.!!

  3. We only had 10 come to our door, and like you there was a group of 6.

    God bless.

  4. Always coffee first! Don't you love brand new months? Come to think of it I love new days, new weeks, new journals and notebooks. ( I always set out to be super neat and soon am back to my rather sloppy writing). Have a great week.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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