Tuesday, February 18, 2020

I love the vintage roses

  A short posting, I've been rather lengthy of late. 
I appreciate your time, it is valuable. 

It's snowing, and it's cold it's wintertime. Feels like 1 degree as I write this. It's gray and white.
but soon, in its' time it will be spring. A posting about beautiful bright and fragrant vintage roses might be what we all need.
I saw an blurb on the web, and we can believe that because we see it online right?????
Anyway, it said that you can grow roses by sticking them potatoes? Raw Potatoes.
Any of you see this?
Anybody ever do this in real time?

I found it rather intriguing, and I must admit I think that it may be something I might try.
Years gone by, I got a cutting from the house next door, it's an old vintage rose, the climbing kind.
I rooted it by sticking the cutting in dirt, and then covering it with glass jar. Like a terrarium. By Goodness  It rooted, and grew into a fine and lovely plant.

Isn't it lovely?
I almost lost it, I have a little sprig of it now which struggles every year to stay alive.
If it gets big enough for me to get a snip off of it this year, I may try the potatoe. I havn't had much luck with the dirt and glass of late. 

Such a beauty, I'm glad I got pictures. I hope I can nurse this back to health.

I do so love vintage things, and that most certainly includes roses. 


Snowcatcher said...

I’ve always wanted to try rooting a rose; you give me hope it could actually be done!!!

Faith said...

Oh, I do hope you'll try. You have a green thumb it should work like magic for you


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