Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Chit chat

Greetings Friends !
What's doing with all of you? Hope all is well.

I've been moving my hook and making Victorian Lattice Squares for my shoppe. I had lots of stash yarn, bits and pieces which were to small for a large project, but just right for something small and quick. The squares are 8/5" square, and finish off an itty bitty in no time. 
 I had already given some yarn to the prayer shawl ministry at church, and had another bag full of yarn, bits & pieces, and a couple of full skeins I've had for years and made nothing with, at the time I bought it I had intention of making something, but it was pretty yarn.
I went through the second bag and parsed out a few more, kept all the smaller itty bittys for my current project. Now that I've used up some yarn,   I have on order from JoAnn's 4 skeins for a larger project. So many craft stores within my home, limited supply. I like to purchase local, but find the stores lacking in inventory. 

Hobby Lobby is a nice craft store, they are in another county and 45 minutes away, I do visit with them sometimes, I love their brand of yarn, an of course I can order it online.

I  see that my comments were disabled once again for yesterday's posting?  I don't know how that happens, because I have to physically change the option on the posting, and I don' now I will try and be diligent and double check. 

Courtesy of GOD's Crayola Box

Have a good day.....

1 comment:

Snowcatcher said...

How discouraging that your blogging preferences keep changing!!! But wonderful ways to use up yarn leftovers. I’m thinking about hosting a hat knit or crochet along at work because we volunteer once a month or so at the soup kitchen, and last month, the diners were so cold, they could barely sign the register (no official records, just a way of keeping track of how many meals are provided) at the door. I have tons of leftover yarn, and I think that would be a great way to use it up.


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