Sunday, January 5, 2020

Back to regular programming

We are back into our routine starting on Monday.
It was nice to be out of the routine..for a brief time.
I'm one of those folks who like the New Year and all the options and a clear slate full of possibilities.
I got a little way laid over the holiday, and caught something of a bug.
Head/chest thing.I do not get the FLU shot...nope, never will. I'm trusting my immune system the good LORD gave me for that business. Feeling just tired now. My husband has helped out quite a bit around the house and kept things running,he's handy that way.
Yarn still on the way, I'm completely out for the tree skirt now. I'll need more to complete that. We'll see how it looks.

Have some things on the agenda,that I'd like to get done this week.
No new projects on the hook, I've got to steam the last scarf I made.
 An ornament my husbsnd bought me a few years sweet and one of my treasures.


Granny Marigold said...

I hope you'll soon be feeling 100% again. Good that your husband was there to help when you felt awful. My DH had the flu before Christmas and it's sure taking time for him to get his energy back. I am SO thankful that he didn't share hid germs with me.

Hill Top Post said...

Hopefully, your yarn has already arrived! You'll definitely be needing plenty of it these cold days of winter. I just can't make my mind up about flu shots. It's one of those darned if I do, and darned if I don't. Neither of us took one this year. Best wishes for a wonderful new year!

wisps of words said...

Sorry you were sick, but glad you are feeling better.

Rest, until you are really back to your old self.


Happy Homebodies!


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