Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Feeling lighter, de cluttering & de stashing,

 Happy New Year

New Year angel canary wings image

 A new years resolution...well I don't do those. But perhaps small life changes, over time.

 All the yarn and thread in one box
keeping it simple and light...
don't buy more than I need for a project.

Going thru my mobile craft room (aka the tubs...)
I don't carry alot of yarn, but what I have is of various sizes, and since I roll them into a ball before I use them, not sure what the colors are. 

I have more crochet thread, won't ever need to purchase any ( I don't think )

I have sent one bag already to the  Prayer Shawl Group at church, I have 2 more. May get 3 bags together before it is all said and done.

I wanted to make something and all I have are these hodge podge balls of yarn.

Sticking with the scaling back for the new year I'll stick to buying what I need to complete a  project.


R's Rue said...

Happy New Year.

wisps of words said...

Sounds very wise, and I bet you feel better, with everything neat again. Plus, you know what you have, now. No more wondering *what-is-in-there?* -smile-

The old, old saying... "Have nothing in your house, which you do not use, or consider beautiful." kind of covers everything, I think. If/when we can say that we have that, we are "golden."

Back to the Insurance Horror.... Do you know your Ins. agent? Here, we know these people, personally. If we contact the agent, they know us, and what we are talking about. Just wondering, because something like this, really bothers me. It's about you, a nice person, I net-know.

Gentle hugs...
Happy New Year's Eve,

Faith said...

And to you, thank you for stopping over today.

Hill Top Post said...

And, I am doing the same with my fabrics. Happy New Year!

Faith said...

Oh yes our agent ( a dingaling) oops...did I say that? He is aware from the beginning. We've been given a new set of hoops, which we will try, and then....the gloves are coming off. My husband has had enough. He has a long fuse.....but when the fuse is up....you are on you own. Hoping they will do it right...It's so nice to know what you have, that's how duplicates happen, you don't know, can't find.buy more accumulate. I can see in the box, and know exactly what I have. Happy New Year...

Lady Locust said...

Happy New Year! If only we could declutter smelly socks or dusty corners rather than pretty yarns ;-) It does make it easier (for me at least) when things go to a good cause. Hope your new year is joyous and filled with blessings.

Granny Marigold said...

Happy New Year to you and yours. May the new year bring you much joy
( and a good resolution with the insurance company).

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

You sound like me. I'm cleaning and organizing and purging. I just finished some UFO's I found in my closet.

Happy Homebodies!


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