Monday, December 30, 2019

The Good hands people??????

 A story of windstorm & the runaround by the Good Hands People
I will digress a bit here, and take you back to Thanksgiving Eve, a windstorm ripped siding off the back of the house. Wicked winds. I called know the Good Hands people? 1. Filed my claim and was told someone would be out on Friday after Thanksgiving. I called the Agent to alert him  that was a claim was filed. He had no knowledge of it. Couldn't find it.
I was on the phone with the first representative who couldn't find our account...I spelled our name at least 5 times, it is only 5 letters. I was on with her for 45 minutes, a drone would take pictures and this and that, cannot find our claim.
So, we received a call from the agent on Friday, there was a problem with the claim, they had mispelled our name. ?????? A representative would be contacting us to help move the issue along, he gave us a name who would call. 2 She called and told me that someone would be out in 2-3 business days, she didn't have a new claim #, the adjuster would give it to us when they came out.   LIE
The next call from the Good Hands People...was on the following was the same lady who called me on Friday. She told me that our claim didn't upload. Gave us a new claim #. She told me that adjusters are not sent out.I reminded her that I had just spoken with her on Friday, she said she never talked to me, and proceeded to argue with me.
She got reassigned....????????
We've sent pictures of the damage, a piece of the siding which they said they had to make sure it wasn't made anymore before they would consider residing the entire back of the house.This would be our 3rd representative. The sample we sent indicated that it cannot be found, it is to old true...we knew that, and the first rep knew it. The entire back of the house would need to be done..LIE 
and now we are on our 4th representative...each one speaking mistruths, misleading information...and my siding now 4 weeks later is still off the house. Now even more so.
First they wanted to fix 30 square feet....our siding is old, the contractor said it would not match up....he wanted to replace the entire back, they ( Allstate) said no.30 square feet.  
4 weeks later....and another pre holiday windstorm...
An adjuster came out....4 weeks after the claim was filed.. run around again and insurance mumbo jumbo.....
The adjuster came and said we needed to send a sample...( we already did that).

And then, our 5th representative emailed us..after the adjuster came out...
rinse and repeat....
We've been customers of  Allstate for 34 years. 
If they cannot fix a small wind can they manage a large problem.
We are NOT IN GOOD HANDS, we have paid them alot of money over the years,and we are quibbling about siding?

It would be nice if Allstate .........
..... their representatives didn't lie.
if...... they had continuity...
 if....they knew what they were doing....
 if they owned up to the mistake they made right from the get go,
and make this right for the customer...

A big name like Allstate....our deluxe homeowners policy isn't worth the paper it is printed on....
they strive for excellance....when will the start?

Not in good hands not at all....

Should have gone with the Mickey Mouse Insurance company or ABC insurance. We would have received the same service, without spending all that money...

Would NOT Recommend Allstate.....


Kristina said...

Oh my, so sorry you are having these issues. When the wind ripped off our barn roof, our insurance was on top of it and got it repaired. However, the raised the rates the next year too.

Lady Locust said...

Okay to delete as I couldn't find a way to email you rather than post here.
Just a suggestion~ Call rep. Briefly express unsatisfactory details thus far, tell them what you want and by what date (do pick reasonable time frame.) State that what they have done or not done so far is not acceptable and your next calls will be to the better business bureau and your legal professional - all said kindly but firmly. It's awful to have to do so but does tend to get results.

wisps of words said...


Not right in any way!!!!

I think you need to go higher.

Your local reps, are bad for the company.

🌲 🏡 🌲

Granny Marigold said...

I am sorry you are having this hassle with your insurance company. Totally unacceptable and I tend to agree with Lady Locust and her suggestions. I hope you eventually get this worked out.

Happy Homebodies!


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