Friday, February 21, 2025

Good weather for?


I'm trying to figure out what this weather is good for. 

I remember in years just recently passed that we've very mild winters which are very nice, but the flip side of it the summers were very hot.

This year with all this cold, snow and ice I'm thinking that it is more of a traditional winter, and so we may have a milder summer.

Last year at this time my roses were starting to bud, way to early. I had garlic which came up in January and the died when the cold hit. Not normal.

So far this year it is as it should be, even though I am well over it. It is normal weather.

No sign of the Hyacinths, they are tucked under a blanket of snow. All in proper season.

Have had an issue this year with the feathered friends. Usually by now I've went and bought a second back of bird food. There are just no birds, no Cardinals, Blue Jays or sparrow. We get a few Juncos, a few meaning 2. I did hear a Robin once or twice and now they are silent.

I enjoy the birdsong. 

We've enjoyed many a good soup night.

I did get some sorting and decluttering done.

Some crochet has been done, it is nice to have something to do with my hands in the evening.

Everything in it's season. 

I enjoy the quietness of the winter season, being a homebody, settling in with some crochet, reading,or baking are favorites.

So it is not a bad thing, and we will welcome Springtime soon.

~The joy is in the making~

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