Friday, December 27, 2024

Decluttering, Liberace, & a vintage find.

Hello Beautiful Homebodies!

How are all of you?

I hope a lovely and peace filled Christmas was yours.

We had a nice holiday, did things a little differently due to schedules and work, but it was lovely.

The weather has been nice, warm in the 40's ish, and they predict almost 60 by the weekend.Enjoying that for every day it is not icy or freezing is a bonus and we inch toward spring. Christmas is past and snow is no longer required. 

My husband and youngest son were off the day after Christmas, we decided it would be nice to get out of "Dodge", with the weather above freezing it was a safe bet we could get to Amish Country without getting stuck. I think this is the 1st  year we've ever done this, usually the weather is not accomodating. 

It was pleasant, not alot of tourists, traffic was light...very nice. 

So off we went. We had a lovely lunch, stopped at a bulk store, and a favorite antique place where I was just browsing, and didn't plan for a purchase, I just wanted to see what was there. 

I had made it through the entire place right until the end...

and I found this lovely. 

A stunner, I love the vintage chandeliers, this is as close as it comes.

 .I wasn't going to get it, it is rather heavy &  the age old question....where I that going to go? My husband took it off the shelf, and as he always says, I don't want to circle back when you change your mind, I have done that a few times. 

I call it "Liberace",  some of you might remember him, with the grand piano & he always had a candelabra on the piano.  

Internet Photo

Today, decluttering the spare room, and have a nice bit of items for the charity shop.

Something in....Something out.....alot of somethings out....

Our tree is still up and will be until Jan 6 or 7. I packed up everything else already, it just feels cluttered although I put out less and less. Our home is small and all of it gets a bit overwhelming after a while. I put out the decorations earlier than I do the tree. First up, First down.

If I don't talk to you before the new year, Happy, Blessed New Year to you all.

I'm all mixed up on what day it is, oh bother!

~ The joy is in the making~





Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Happy New Year!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Have you ever been to the Christmas store near Berlin area? I want to at least go once and check it out. In all of the ump-teen trips there for supplies and retreat mini vacations, I have not been there. Which antique shop is your favorite. I like the two story one in Berlin and the one in Walnut Creek. I should look into other stores just for browsing purposes. Happy New Year!

Jackie said...

Now that is one gorgeous piece and I am so glad that you picked it up.

God bless.

Granny Marigold said...

Who could forget Liberace? It's a good name for your lovely new candleholder. Like you I intend to leave most of my Christmas things out until the 6th ( which is also oldest son's birthday)
Happy New Year to you too.

Jeanna said...

You found a nice piece in the antique store. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristina, I think many years ago we went to the Christmas store in Berlin. There was an antique mall there also which was a favorite, it is closed now and is a church. I
do like the one in Berlin near the water tower, 2 levels. I have found some pretties there including my newest sparkly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jackie, it is pretty I love those old chadeliers.

Happy Homebodies!


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