after I got things done around the house
Hello Everybody!
Oh, it's cool, it's cloudy......and it feels like fall...I am Loving it!
I had thought that I might clean the fridge out today, that was the intention.
But I did one thing which led to many others, more decluttering & organization is going on, it is a continual state of affairs until I am satisfied with what remains going forward.
Not buying anything....have not been to the craft store, I take that back I bought two new pieces of clothing, a blouse and a dress. I went to the closet and pulled out two things which I've never used and the other sparingly. I've sent them both the nursing home where my son works, someone could use them. So two un used things went out and two new things came in. I've pared that closed way down.
So I sorted through some loose items which had no place to live, and they are going to Goodwill.
I'm still working on the penny mat, I did get some more penny's done. This weather is much nicer for me for crafting, baking, and de cluttering.
Hope you are all well....
this is a stunner for sure. I am working on the pioneer dress currently, and I will get around to this eventually. Sometimes I like to work with yarn, and sometimes thread..I think the thread is my favorite, by just a smidge....
Last year I asked my mom to make me a couple of crocheted angels for the Christmas tree. She made me a whole flock in various sizes. It was hilarious. I like them, but they didn’t all fit on the tree 😂
Lady Locust
Oh how lovely, what a lovely heartmade gift, I am sure they look so pretty on the tree. Thank you for your comment, and for visiting me.
I am still working on the organizing and clean up of my sewing/craft room. Seems I am never really satisfied with how things are put away in there.
Love the pretty angel.
God bless.
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