Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tested! We were prepared.

The oppressive heat wave and lack of rain has broken!

Hello to you!

Whenever it is that hot/humid the potential for rain & thunder is or I should say was the normal way in mother nature re set herself.  We didn't get that all summer. On Tuesday August 6, an F1 Tornado blew into town. There was a warning, tornadoes are not something we normally see here, but one came through, and it was close. 

I didn't see anything, hear anything but rain and wind, we've had worse storms here, 1/2 mile away a tornado went through the main street, stayed on the road  and uprooted trees and poles, missed houses. The heat wave was over. 

We were without power for 1 day, grateful for that. Others are still out, crews were brought in to repair the snapped telephone poles. As far as I know there were no fatalities or injuries, thank the Lord.

When it got dark, I looked outside and all the houses were dark, except for ours, and maybe 2 neighbors, you could see they had candles flickering. The others remained in the dark.

 Why I wondered isn't anybody prepared for this? 

Hurricane Oil Lantern - Brass - 12.5 ... 

Internet Photo

Why does it seem that to be prepared for times like this is so difficult for people to grasp.?

I'm hoping that some people will have gotten the call to pay attention. I'm sure there will be more instances when lights out will be the call for the day.

The quiet without the buzzing of the electric appliances, it was dead quiet all over.

We have provisions for times as this, if it isn't ever needed thank the Lord, but we have in case.

I have some remaining bees wax, I'll be making more candles, the wax doesn't do me any good if there is no wick in it. I think I have some soy also, will be using these up and making candles.   

                                                                          Beeswax Rosettes

Hope you are all well.

~ Faith~



Jackie said...

I sometimes think that people figure that the worst will not happen to them. I live in an area where winter blizzards can lock us down for days at a time (hasn't happened in awhile) so I am always prepared for nasty winter weather. The same things we use in winter (candles, other methods of cooking, and extra flashlights) keep us safe in the case of really bad summer storms. I also have lots of blankets available to use in the winter if the power goes out. I would love a fireplace, but that would be a major expense.

God bless.

Jeanna said...

I'm happy to hear you only lost power from the tornado. How scary to learn it was so close to your home. I use beeswax to was some of my thread for cross stitch. I just purchases a couple of pounds from the local honey guy to make waxers for an upcoming retreat.

Happy Homebodies!


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