Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A spring like day

It is a lovely day about 50 degrees, blue skies and all.

 I opened a few windows and let some fresh air in the house, sure was nice. I had some ground up egg shells I wanted to put in the garden. While I was out there I gave  quick peek at some things, I have a few garlic coming up, and it looks like the Rhubarb has come back. I didn't really think it would, and we'll know for sure in a few months, but I did see the beautiful red color popping out of the soil.

Doing some small project crochet to keep me busy. 

Dusted and vaccumed today, and put up some St. Patricks Day decorations. I have not finished the apron, oh bother. 

I did see a Robin the other day, I've been told they don't leave, but I never see any during the winter months until spring is close. 

Thanks for stopping in. 


  1. How wonderful that your rhubarb seems to be coming back up this year. Wish I could open the windows and let in some fresh air, but it is still much too cold here. It is melting though.

    God bless.

  2. It was 60 degrees here, and I too, had the windows open to let in some fresh air. It was fantastic. I have yet to see a robin here.

  3. I have never tried rhubarb. All of the desserts that has it look wonderful! Fresh air through open windows and doors is always wonderful! Wishing you more pleasant days!

  4. I hope your rhubarb grows and does well. Too early here for mine to be showing any colour. I think all my garlic died. It started to grow in late winter but then it froze on one cold night. Now it's not doing anything.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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