Friday, June 2, 2023

Well, it's rather warm

Oh my!

August weather in June. It gets cool at night still thankfully. Not one drop of rain in sight, unless we get a pop up. The mornings are still fresh, and when I stepped out this morning, the fragrance from the Honeysuckle filled the air, what a lovely aroma. 

I gathered some, and some Lavender.

Dehydrating them and will make something with it which will be lovely. I don't know what that will be. 

 Do you make any salves or creams with these two ingredients, infuse them in oil or make tinctures.?

I'd love to know what you fashion up.



  1. Your lavender is already blooming! Mine is full of buds but that's it so far.
    It's a gorgeous morning here too. I was outside watering; like you I'd sure appreciate a good rain. A nice gentle all day rain that would drench the earth but not plaster things down.
    I haven't ever tried making any salves or creams. I did make foot scrubs a few years ago.If I remember correctly that was simply coarse sugar and maybe grated lemon rind??? GM

    1. before the heat we've had, the buds were just forming.

  2. I am thinking I should pick and dry my English lavender and perhaps try to do a cold oil infusion. I am just not too sure that I have enough to do so.

    God bless.

  3. I just added lavender to my flower beds a few years ago. I watered them yesterday, and they have buds and have not bloomed yet. I had plans to make drawer sachets with mine. Both would be good in a soap maybe? I have not made any oils etc with either. I have made chive infused oil before. I didn't feel it had enough flavor to make again though.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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