Sunday, January 8, 2023

A new year & some chit chat

 Well, here we are a brand spankin new year. 

We put up our tree later in the season than we normally do, and so it is still up as I write this. I rather like it better this way. The twinkly lights bring me joy on the dark and dreary days, and into the evening as it lightens up our living room. I rather like the tree this year, and am not in a hurry to tear it all down and get it put away, for I've left it up even to the 12th day. More traditional, as I move as fast as I can from what most people do, and create my own space and time, considering tradition and enjoying the season, all 12 days of Christmas. 

I even baked a 12th day cake, which for me was a pound cake, with some brandy soaked raisins

 a sweet pototoe in some water back in the summer, and it had rooted very nicely so last week I snipped them off and put them to root in some water. The gardening season has begun! 

Moving the hook some, I've made a few small things, working on some crochet hearts for my son to take to the nursing home for the residents. That has been an enjoyable project, I've always had a fondness for hearts of any kind. 


Find your joy in the day that's in it!


  1. I had never heard of a 12th Day cake but my tree is still up and I don't have any plan as to when I will take it down.
    I used to have quite a collection of hearts but didn't keep many. I have a couple that hang on the inside of the door to my wardrobe. I may take a picture and post it on my blog. Not much to post about in January.
    I'm trying to root some cuttings off my last Summer's Geraniums but they're not rooting as yet and it's been weeks.
    I'm anxious for nicer weather, more daylight. By the end of the month we'll have an extra hour a day! That gives me hope.

  2. Delighting in the simple things is the most enjoyable thing I have ever done.
    I just took down the tree in the family room yesterday. I would have left it up longer but Harvey got a few gifts that need to be hung.

    God bless.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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