Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Musing about in the kitchen today

Homemaking!  All fun stuff today, no bucket or mop. 

I've been in a organization frenzy lately. Cleaning out cupboards and organizing. I got tired of things falling out onto me toes. :)  Going about it slowly as is my pace now. But I am getting things done I've wanted to do for a while.

On my agenda today

Jelly Roll

Making Candles


I've got a wee bit of beeswax rosettes left, and some candles which didn't work out well, I melted them down, and made 2 candles, and what was left I made rosettes for a future use.


 I've ordered some 4 oz ball jars and intend to make some soy candles and see if I have better luck with those. Once I was done with those, I moved onto the Jelly Roll. 

It has been years and years since I made one, I'm not sure my two boys ever had one, so it's been so long ago. I bought a new jelly roll pan, taking it for a spin.

I've been gathering and stocking up my pantry. (No Hoarding), just gently gathering things which I think we may need. In particular baking goods, if  you have bread you are golden. I don't know what will happen, but I've always had a small sturdy pantry just in case. It isn't floor to ceiling or wall to wall, but a simple shelf in the basement. Each time I go to the grocery store, more and more shelves have empty spaces. Freezer goods are empty. The price of the simple pasta noodle, has doubled.

Forewarned is Forearmed, it doesn't have to be extreme. 


I did try to respond to questions, 😒.



  1. It has been many years since I last made a jelly roll. Yours look great.
    I have back-ups of most of my baking supplies, not only for myself but middle son does quite a bit of baking on weekends and often comes upstairs to ask if I have what he needs.
    I've noticed that everything costs more than last year...quite a bit more.

  2. I am slowly gathering baking items as well. During the first wave of the pandemic all flour and yeast seemed to disappear from store shelves. Since I always bake my own bread (well cheat once in awhile) I really go through flour and yeast.

    Your jelly roll looks yummy.

    God bless.

  3. Doesn't if feel good to get the cupboards in order. Not something you see upon walking into the room but the knowing of it is fabulous.

  4. I have been trying to do the same a little extra here and there, not hoarding but ensuring we have a few bits in hand.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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