Thursday, December 16, 2021

Winding down to Christmas


I've been baking some cookies, and have one more batch of Russian Tea Cakes aka butter balls left, which I'll finish up on Saturday.

 I'm making them late this year, if I make them to early they disappear before Christmas.   I've got things wrapped, and can settle down and enjoy the holidays. 

We are experiencing some fairly windy days, and as I woke up this morning it was 60 degrees outside. The wind is bringing in cooler and more temperate weather. No snow for Christmas is expected, and after that it is ok with me, I'm not a huge fan of snow.

and now a little vintage,

 This has been in my family, all my life. The story goes that one of my uncles worked at Hallmark. He isn't in bad shape actually after 70 years or so. I didn't put him up this year, space is limited. But isn't he a handome Santa?


  1. I do love a Hallmark design! Your Santa is a very handsome fellow indeed. The cookies sound good! Since getting diagnosed with diabetes, I have not really been baking much at all. Because I then eat what I made!

    1. and it is difficult to eat just one. So why bother then?

  2. He definitely is in good shape considering his age. I can't make out how big he is but I'm thinking he isn't little or you would have found room for him. No more baking/making here any more. As it is there will be cookies and goodies for many weeks into the new year. Says my son And that is a problem?

  3. That sounds like something my husband and boys would say. Never to much. Santa stands about 5' tall at the bottom I would say he meaures about 3'. When I was a little one he looked so tall.

  4. Oh my mom used to make Russian Tea Cakes :-) I'd forgotten about those. I do like your dear ol' Santa. Looks like a cheery chap.


Have a very blessed day and take delight even in the simple things.


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