Thursday, October 7, 2021

In the good ol summertime!

Yep! Here we are today back in the good old summertime. 80 degrees in NE Ohio.  Trees are all still green, there is a minimal amount of leaf change, when I think right about now we "should be" peaking with color. I guess that just means something to look forward too. I don't want fall sneaking past real fast, I want it to linger and enjoy it. I did take the opportunity today to replant 3 beautiful mums I had, and put them in the ground. With this weather they are still blooming and are lovely. I hope they will come back next year.

Another benefit of the weather..... these are volunteer Zinnia's from I suppose last year, or maybe they are late bloomers from this year, either way they are a beautiful surprise. They bloomed later, and look at the color, as if right on cue. I didn't purposely plant fall colored Zinnia, you of  course have no idea what you are going to get when scatter the seeds. All the ones I planted in the buckets, were summer colors, not one orange in the lot. But this little bright eye volunteer, beautiful.

Embrace the day!


Granny Marigold said...

I wouldn't mind some warm days such as you're currently enjoying. We'll be lucky to see the sun today but youngest son is coming to do some garden work this afternoon. Hopefully the sun will shine.
Love your bright coloured zinnia.It's perfect.

Olde Dame Holly said...

I think zinnias are my very favorite flowers. Like a good friend, they are always there for you! I hope fall lasts a good long time this year, too. And is not cut short on the "winter" end.

Jackie said...

Our lovely warm, record breaking weather is changing. Looks like rain and colder temperatures. Your zinnia is such a lovely colour.

God bless.

Lady Locust said...

What a happy color. We are just beginning to see color among the trees.


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