Monday, August 30, 2021

Greetings from Tropical Ohio

Not usually a tropical place, not known for it anyway. Our summers can be quite beautiful, but not to much this year. Humidity is high, and air is heavy. Havn't had the windows open for weeks, and would welcome some fresh cooler air. We are in the dog days of summer for sure. Nice rain storm last night overnight, the garden and buckets got a good dousing. 

I'm working on removing paint from our cabinets in the kitchen. We are going back to a wood finish. They are veneer. Original to the house from 1955, a little update as we most definatley cannot afford to redo the cabinets. A project to be sure. One a day until I get all the paint off, then we can sand, and stain. I do have to do that outside because of the fumes. I sit in the garage, mind as well do it now, can't do it when it's cold outside. We have 18 cabinets and drawers. I got 8 done so far, all drawers. 

We've harvested all the tomatoes from our vines, they are beginning to blossom and grow new tomatoes. We didn't get alot of them, but they were a good size and were delicious. Nothing like a fresh home grown tomatoe. 

 This is a Hungarian Heart variety...we planted purple Cherokee also ( heirloom) they were so delicious in their own ways.

Yesterday, I picked up 2 winter white squash from the farm stand I always talk about. These are supposed to take just like mashed taters, without the guilt. I'll be cooking those up, soon I hope. 

I got 1 (one) butternut squash, it is about 6" long, not ready yet. I learned alot this year about squash and cross pollination. My mini punkins are flowering like crazy and no punkins. Next year they will be surrounded by flowers so they can be pollinated. 

Well, that's about it from the tropics...

I hope you are all well and staying cool.....and to those of you getting close to spring....your growing season is coming up. You are planning your gardens and starting your seeds. It is a wonderful time of year. 




Jackie said...

It was hot here for July and most of this month. The last week or so has been much cooler..Except for today. Today was hot again.

God bless.

Lady Locust said...

We've actually cooled off a little and ooohh, as you say to have the windows open is a blessing. Do you know what the name of the squash is that tastes like mashed potatoes? Do let us know how true that is~

Granny Marigold said...

Redoing your kitchen cabinets is a big job. I like the way you're working on one door/drawer a day. That way it's less of a dreaded task.
I don't know if it's because of all the lavender in the back yard near the tomatoes but we're having a hard time keeping up with all the ripe ones. I'm sending bags home with the grown kids when they drop by. I've made tomato soup twice now ( I sort of winged it and to my surprise it's very tasty).

Olde Dame Holly said...

So funny, I am prepping our wood cabinets for painting! Now I'm wondering about that! You are way ahead of me. I have done only 2 doors so far. You are having a long summer there in Ohio!

Faith said...

It has cooled down and is lovely now. Fall is in the air. Our cabinets are veneered over some type of plywood, original to the house 1955. I have 5 more to go. They are the bigger cupboards. They won't be done until I've finished the lower cabinet, can't have everything off the hinges.

Faith said...

those fresh maters are the best arn't they. We've made green fried a couple of times. A nice bounty I'm grateful for.

Faith said...

White Winter Squash. It wasn't bad actually. Even my fussy husband had seconds.


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