Sunday, May 9, 2021

Having simple joy

 Happy Mothers Day !

Yesterday we took a ride out of dodge and out into the lovely charming country. We stopped at 4 generation farm, which has a farmstand which is the cutest. It's honest pay, she has a box to put the money in, those folks in the em.  

We picked some farm fresh brown eggs ( Love them brown eggs), honey, a lilly of the valley plant, a strawberry plant, some Hungarian Seed to make paprika,(from Hungary), and #3 lbs of fat from here heirloom Mangalista pigs. Today I am making lard. 

There was a brand of lard which I particularly liked called Lundy's, from NC. Cannot find it anywhere now. I found some videos on lard making, and thought I might like to try my hand at it. Fresh from the farm, humane, no chemical, free range all of that good stuff. It took an hour to cut the 3# of lard into small chunks, hubby helped. He is making dinner tonight so I have free time to do something else, and that was render down the lard. Later Later I'll move the hook, I'm working on a pillow cover. 

Believe it or now it was raining, and sleeting and some snow, my poor sunflowers. I hope they make it, it's been pretty cold at night, I grew them from seed. Chocolate Cherry. 

Well thats my day, I'm enjoying it, and I hope you enjoy yours. 


Lady Locust said...

Happy Mother's Day! I really need to get some lily of the valley's. I used my l-o-v teacup this morning. Does that count? I'm thinking you'll like your lard. It tastes "cleaner" than store bought in my experience.

Olde Dame Holly said...

It is so strange to read of all the unseasonable weather that is happening! When I lived in DC, though, the last frost date was May 27. And sometimes it did freeze right up that late! I had no idea about the lard. I wrongly assumed lard came from the pig, as lard! I hope it goes well!

Granny Marigold said...

I love farm stands! You found a great one. I remember my Mom rendering pig fat into lard but she did it outside in a big old cauldron ( they obviously just had killed a pig). I'm amazed that you'd try that. I hope it works.

What awful weather you're having. I'd say enough already!! Hopefully soon things will warm up ( and your sunflowers will thrive).

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Happy Mother's day to you too.

Happy Homebodies!


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